Monday, September 26, 2011

One Week Down - 26 To Go

My first week of getting back on plan was a success!  I ended up losing 1.2 pounds, only .1 off the mark.  It could have been more had I not gone off the rails Friday night at dinner, but I'll take it.  I ended up going over my weekly points, but I had activity points to cover them.  All in all, I think it was a very successful week.

So my goals for last week was to follow the plan exactly as it was written.  I almost made it.  There were a few days where I didn't get in all of my good-health guidelines.  That is going back on this list for this week, but I'm afraid I've already failed because I'm pretty sure I didn't get them in Saturday or Sunday.  Another goal was to not eat any of my activity points.  Again, I failed on that one as well, so it's going back on the list.  My third goal was to get 30 minutes of activity in each day.  I did get this one...if you take the minutes I worked out and divide by 7.  Some days was an hour, and other days I had nothing at all.  I'm still considering this a success because I earned activity more days than not.

So here are my goals for this current week:
  1. Follow the plan exactly as written, including getting in all of my good-health guidlines
  2. Do not eat any activity points
  3. Get an average of 30 minutes per day of activity
  4. Do not eat more than my daily points, plus any remaining weekly points on Friday
Starting weight: 193.6
Current weight: 192.2
Goal weight: 161.5

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