Monday, July 11, 2011

Time to Make a Fresh Start

As you all know, the scale hasn't exactly been my friend for the last few months.  I've been stuck.  I wouldn't necessarily call it a plateau, because I haven't been doing what I know I need to do to succeed.  I've been eating too much and moving too little, simple as that.  Last week I moved a lot more, but I still ate too much which resulted in a 1.2 pound gain at weigh-in on Saturday.  This led to a bad mood and a huge pitty party, which led to even more bad eating, and now I'm going to have to play catch up this week if I don't want another gain on Saturday. 

At Weight Watcher's we talked about making it work with the tools we have available, instead of wishing for things that we know we can't have.  This struck a cord with me.  One of the things we talked about was wishing for a personal trainer.  I've blogged about this before!  In fact, I think it was either my last post or the one before it where I said, "I wish I could plunk down $400 and hire my personal trainer back."  I really think that this has been a mental roadblock for me.  I still have all of my work-out sheets from last summer that he wrote up for me.  What's stopping me from going to the gym and doing it myself?  Absolutely nothing but my mental state (and the fact that I don't feel comfortable at the gym, again relates to mental state).

Something else that hit me like a 2x4 was the quote that is on the magnet our leader gives out when a certain milestone is reached.  It goes something like, "Some people only dream of success, while others wake up every day and work hard to achieve it."  Have I really been working hard to achieve my weight-loss goals?  Have I been making a concious effort every day to do what needs to be done to get this weight off?  Have I been making a concious effort every day to make this my lifestyle instead of just a diet?  Lately, I have not been doing this.  I've just been coasting along on autopilot, and not really working the program. 

In an attempt to get back on track and make a fresh start, here are my goals for this week:
  1. Earn enough activity points to make up for the extra points I ate on Saturday/Sunday.
  2. Measure/weigh EVERYTHING.
  3. Track EVERYTHING.

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you baby! Consistency is a key to success and being consistent in tracking and measuring will go a long way. I love you and hope we keep moving forward in this weight loss journey together.
