So my last day of drinking soda was last Thursday, June 30. I can honestly say, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Friday was rough because I started to get that caffeine headache around 2:30. Saturday was really bad because I was craving soda. I was not in a good mood. But ever since then, it hasn't been a big deal at all! I'm also happy to report that the only high-fructose corn syrup I've consumed was in a small amount of ketchup while out to eat Saturday and Monday morning. This July diet may not be so bad after all.
Weigh-in was Saturday. I was up 0.2 pounds. I was expecting it though, I totally sabotaged myself on Friday. I just couldn't get enough to eat on Friday night, and I think most of it was due to the caffeine headache. The scale isn't being really friendly so far this week either, but I've been doing a lot of activity, and walked 6 miles yesterday. I am super sore. I know once I drop that water-weight everything will be ok. I'm forcing down the water today, and I think I might go for a walk after work to try to work some of the soreness out. I really need to walk the dog too. I put her on the scale this weekend and she's at 36 pounds! Yikes! She should weigh about 28 pounds. Looks like she's going on a diet as well!
I've been kind of stuck on the scale the last few months. I know the reason. I need to quit eating all of my weekly bonus points, and I need to start exercising. I just haven't been ready to do either. I'm really thinking about starting water aerobics again on Wednesdays. I think part of the reason I quit going was because I felt like once a week wasn't enough, so why bother. Stupid reasoning, I know. Now I know that anything is better than nothing, and at this point, I'll take what I can get. I've been doing this for 6 months and I've only lost 19 pounds. Not exactly stellar. We have a cruise coming up in about 8 months, and I would really like to drop some significant weight between now and then.
I wish I could plunk down the $400 to re-hire my personal trainer. I dreaded the training sessions because he made me throw up every single time, but they worked. I lost a ton of inches last summer. The only downfall was I didn't have control of my diet. Had I been on Weight Watcher's then, I know I could have lost all kinds of weight.
Non-Scale Victory for the day: The guy at Planet Sub totally flirted with me today at lunch! :)
Keep it up -- soon it will be day 11!!!!