Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today I'm 30

A quick housekeeping note...I added a title to yesterday's blog, compliments of my FB friend Norman.  Along with a happy birthday note, he wrote that birthday cake counts as a salad if you put a crouton on top.  I wish I would have had that quote yesterday because it went so well with yesterday's blog.  Thanks Norman!

Now, onto business...

Today I turned 30.  A year ago I was saying that it was the last birthday I was having.  I was going to be 29 forever.  Now that the big 3-0 has come and almost gone, I'm ok with it.  I'm actually excited to see what my 30's bring.  My early 20's were some what of a tragedy and I wouldn't want to relive them on a bet.  The later have of my 20's had their ups and downs, but were over-all pretty good.  I was finally starting to figure some things out; figure out who I was.  I also met my wonderful husband.  Now, today, I look at what my life has become and it's pretty fabulous!  I have the most adoring husband I could ever hope for, a great job, great friends, 2 wonderful dogs (ok, one wonderful dog and one spit-fire that I love dearly), a great house, a car that runs, family close by...I really couldln't ask for more!  Well, except to be skinny...and maybe have a maid. :)  My life is good!

It would appear as though most of my life is in order, now I've just got to get the weight thing under control.  This week has been a bit of a struggle.  I was expecting it to be rough with my big birthday thrown into the mix.  But this is real-life, and I'm making a life-style change.  That doesn't mean denying myself special occasions and indulgences.  I really should have gone to the gym today, but I decided that it was my birthday and I didn't want to.  I should have ordered something other than the fish and chips at lunch, or at the very least not have eaten it all, but it's my birthday and that's what I wanted.  Tomorrow starts a new day, a new set of points, and not only new decisions to make, but new challenges to deal with. 

Last Saturday in our Weight Watcher's meeting, we talked about eating in the real world.  Little did I know how much I would relate this week.  Some people go on a very strict, very regimented diet and/or exercise program in an effort to try to lose weight.  That may work phenomenally well in the short run.  Had I been trying to lose weight like that, I would have completely blown it this week.  As my leader said this week, "I got to have my cake, and eat it to!" - and no Norman, I didn't put a crouton on it!

Tomorrow - my first day back at water aerobics in about 10 years.  I'm a little scared!

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