Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Too Much Weigh, Too Little Time

So here it is, Wednesday night, and the scale has hardly moved this week.  I've only got 2 days before weigh-in and I'm not expecting it to be a good one. 

A few weeks ago I made a goal chart for myself.  Yes, I went back to kindergarten.  It's hot pink, and for each goal I hit every day I get a silver star sticker.  Last week out of a possible 28 starts, I got 20.  This week, out of 20 available stars so far, I have 5.  Ugh. 

My downfall this week has been lack of planning.  I know you'd probably think it was my birthday, and all the eating-out, but really, I haven't planned things this week.  Normally, I know before I go to bed at night what I'm going to be eating the next day.  I know exactly what I need to grab out of the fridge in the morning, and 9 times out of 10, I stick to that eating plan.  Now, if I'm craving sushi or something, sometimes I will leave my packed lunch in the fridge and go get what I really want, but that tends to be more of the exception than the norm. 

I haven't had anything planned for lunches this week.  I didn't have any food logged into my tracker prior to eating breakfast.  I've just been kind of winging it.  And it's not working.  Last week I planned my day to get all of my fruits/veggies in.  I planned my day to get my dairy in.  I have done none of that this week. 

More than noticing the scale isn't moving, I've noticed how awful I feel since I'm not getting all of my water in.  I have the biggest headache tonight and I know it's because I only had half of my water. 

Well, what's done is done, or not done in this case.  Tomorrow is a new day, and a chance to make better decisions.  Time to put food in my tracker for tomorrow. :)


  1. Ugh, I know what you mean, I ate something yesterday that didn't sit well with me and have only eatin about 845 calories today as a result and I can see the difference not enough food makes in my lack of calories burned (I have one of those metabolic arm thingys). It's crazy how much your body rebels against you and how easy it was to ignore before we started treating it right!! I absolutely love your blog :D

  2. I love that you touched on the planning aspect of becoming healthy!
