Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hallelujah, Praise Jesus!

The scale was finally down this morning!!!  I know it's not really a good idea to weigh yourself every day, but if I don't I tend to go way off track.  I also needed to see that things were moving in the right direction.  I have kind of pigged out for the last 3 days.  Apparently that's exactly what my body has needed.  I'm super excited for this week now!

Yesterday I didn't do so well at hitting my goals for the week.  I only got in 5 out of my 6 glasses of water, and I didn't earn any activity points.  I did however eat all of my daily points, and quite a few of my weekly points.  I went to Granite City with my folks after I picked them up from the airport.  They have this appetizer called Idaho Nachos.  It's basically a ginormous plate of waffle fries topped with cheese, bacon, tomatoes, green onions, and sour cream.  Then they serve it with a sour cream dip with dill and other spices.  I decided to get a dinner salad to start and then we split a plate of the Idaho Nachos.  It was high point, but oh so tasty!

Today I've almost made up for the no activity yesterday.  After breakfast we decided to take the puppy for a walk.  I have a lot I need to do around the house today and we were hoping this would make her sleep for most of the day.  We wandered around for almost 2 hours which earned me a lovely 7 activity points.  Couple that with the cleaning I need to do and I'll be good.  Now I've just gotta start drinking some water.  I haven't had any yet today. 


  1. I'm a daily weigher too! Yesterday I weighed in and missed my weekly goal by 1.6 pounds in the morning. Last night I was 1.2 pounds away from my goal. This morning, I am only .6 lbs from my goal! If I hadn't seen my weight this morning, I would have felt defeated and likely not done as well watching what I ate this week. On January 1, I took a calender and wrote out my weight goals for the entire year. Every Saturday has a goal that is 2 lbs less then the previous week. I am usually about 1/2 lbs short of hitting the Saturday goal,but I'm fine with that because at this point it means that instead of losing 22.4 pounds, I have only lost 21.8. The .6 pounds over an 11 weeks period does not bother me.

    Long story short, I am with you that frequent weigh ins help keep you focused on your goal and you don't get derailed by ONE bad weigh in. You are going great! Keep up the good work and you will be on that nude beach before you know it!!!

  2. I confess... I usually weigh in the morning and before bed. It helps me keep track of things more quickly. I find that overnight I drop anywhere from 1-2 pounds. It also keeps me on track with my water because I can tell right away if I am retaining water. Your blog keeps me motivated to get up and get moving... :~)

  3. Lisa, you crack me up!!! Speaking of nude beach, I just got my sunglasses for it. They are really big, with really dark tint so no one can see where I'm looking! lol!!

  4. I think if it helps to weigh every morning it is okay. I do it too. I can tell that way if I am up or down and that helps me know what I have to do for the day so that I can have continued success on this journey. I just listened to a "lose your Belly Fat" comercial on my computer. A lot of the things they said make we should eat good fats...real butter, Avacados, and not eat the low fat no fat foods. This will help us feel more full and in the long run we are eating healthier. They say to lose Belly Fat we need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables...that sounds a lot like our WW program as well. I am so happy that WW figured out that eating fruits and vegetables and not having to count those points is way better for all of us. It really is a winning program in my book. Y'all hang in there...we will get there together, although I do not plan on hanging out on any nude beaches I will still be very happy and excited for a more fit, healthier and better looking body as this "journey" cintinues!!
