Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ready To Make This A Better Week

Well, weigh-in was this morning.  I gained .8 this week.  I think it has to do with 3 things.  #1: I ate less than I normally do, #2: quitting smoking can mess with your metabolism, #3: I'm on a higher dose of birth control.  More estrogen, less nicotine, and less calories threw my body into a tail spin.  I'm back to only 8 pounds lost which is really depressing.

This week has got to go better.  My psyche cannot handle seeing another gain next week.  I need to come up with a good strategy and set some goals for this week. 

My first goal for this week is to track all of my food and eat all of my weekly points.  It seems backwards, but sometimes you have to eat more to lose weight.  It's kind of funny that I struggled with this issue this week because we talked about it in the meeting this morning.  My leader told us that research has shown that Weight Watcher's members who use their weeklies lost weight better and faster, as well as stick with the program longer.

My second goal for this week is to earn at least 30 activity points.  That's a little over 4 a day, which I can earn by doing an hour of housework.  I earned a fair amount last week, but I know I need to be moving more.  It's sad, but I'm actually moving less now that I'm not smoking because I'm not walking from my desk to the parking garage multiple times a day at work. 

My third goal for this week is to drink all of my water every day.  I've been getting about half of it in every day, but I really need to be drinking it all.  Time to put some Diet Snapple in the fridge, because it counts :). 

Now, off to eat some more points!

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